
Cue Installer Aim 7.4.1
Cue Installer Aim 7.4.1

Cue Installer Aim 7.4.1

New satellite constellations are in progress under the Future Imagery Architecture program of the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO). For decades these capabilities have provided the means for precision strike against fixed targets as the speed of tasking, collection, and processing has increased, the same capabilities have begun to put relocatable targets at risk. National IMINT systems provide photographic coverage over denied territory that, through the science of stereophotogrammetry, enables precise geodetic positioning of targets on the ground. It is essential that naval forces have access to data from these capabilities and that they be able to task the capabilities. The nation has powerful space-based image intelligence (IMINT), signals intelligence (SIGINT), and measurement and signatures intelligence (MASINT) collection systems and is in the process of developing even greater capabilities. The objectives of this chapter are to review the current and planned ISR capabilities of naval strike groups ( Section 7.2) to point out ISR shortfalls in those capabilities ( Section 7.3) to discuss key principles for a future ISR architecture for the Naval Services ( Section 7.4) to show how these principles can be implemented in the tasking, collection, and exploitation of ISR for naval forces ( Section 7.5) and to present the findings and recommendations of the committee ( Section 7.6).ħ.2.1 Current and Planned Space-Based ISR Systems

Cue Installer Aim 7.4.1

In addition to sensing (collection), the function includes the tasking of sensors and the integration, interpretation, and exploitation of sensed information.

Cue Installer Aim 7.4.1

The principal function of the intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) component of command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (C4ISR) is to find, fix, and track both friendly and hostile forces, as well as to assess damage to hostile targets in an area of interest.

Cue Installer Aim 7.4.1